Bangkok Post Thailand and Sweden brand you can trust - Aritco HomeLifts

Bangkok Post Tuesday, 6 June 2017 : Thailand and Sweden brands you can trust - Aritco HomeLifts

June 06, 2017

Dear Readers
Every year on 6th of June, Swedish National Day, Just like Sweden, Thailand is a welcoming
country for foreigners, Every year many Swedes come to Thailand, not least for tourism.
The business relationship between the countries has a long history and has been
strengthened with time. Swedish products are present everywhere in Thailand-in
people's homes, on the roads and in various industries.Creative and innovative
solutions from Sweden play and important role in enhancing Thailand's position
as the hub of Southeast Asia.The companies ​celebrating with us today are world
leaders in their respective fields - contributing ​to a more sustainable and climate
friendly society tor future generations.

H.E. Staffan Herrstrom

Eric Hallin
President of TSSC
